19/02 Saturday
10.15 - 11.15
Education on Renewable Energies,
Activities on RE-education at existing units on different
Outlook on the International University for Renewable Energies
Prof. Krauter (UECE, WCRE), Prof. Marcony (UECE), Pedro Capibaribe
(Marketing Director of the State of Ceará), Prof. Walmeran
José Trindade Jr. (Centro Federal de Educação
Tecnológica da Paraíba CEFET-PB), requested:
Prof. Raul (Primary school- Trairi, CE), Osman Benchikh (UNESCO).
11.15 - 11.30
Opening of the Exhibition on Sustainable
In front of the Auditorium ("Espaço mix")
Sustainable Architecture
Dr. Norma Blandon Rodriguez, Dr. Elizabeth Ferreiras da Silva
(Manágua, Rio de Janeiro)
11.30 - 12.30
Land of winds - Ceará
The PROINFA initiative: State of affairs
Pedro Bezerra (CHESF)
The point of view from a wind turbine
Telmo Pereira Cardoso (Director of Wobben-Pecém, Ceará)
14.30 - 17.00
Productive Use of Renewable Energies
Presentation of the activities of four project groups (each
30 minutes) within the InWEnt Capacity Building project, plus
30 minutes discussion
Introduction: Klaus Knecht, InWEnt
Jörgdieter Anhalt, IDER
Suzanne B. Maia, BRASUS
Larissa Barros, Instituto Palmas
Paulo Gil, Fernando Peixoto, GERA
17.15 - 17.45
Three days after the implementation
of the Kyoto-Protocol
Does it help to finance rural electrification by isolated
Patrick Buergli, myclimate.com, Zürich, Switzerland
17.45 18.15
RE - opportunities in Ceará
the Saudi-Arabia of the future?
Adão Linhares Muniz (Coordinator of Energy Affairs,
18.15 19.15
Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable Architecture in urban
Dr. M. Laar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Solar Energy for the use in sustainable
(electricity, heat & refrigeration)
Prof. Dr. S. Krauter, UECE, Fortaleza, Brazil
Additional activities
A small booklet in Portuguese on Basics on Renewable Energies
(for beginners) will be published, each InWEnt project
will also be described on 2 pages.
Excursions on Sunday 20th (possibly
also on Friday 18th morning)
Visit to solar energy and wind power projects in the North
Eastern part of Brazil, located in the vicinity of 30 km of
Fortaleza (wind park) and 170 km west of the Capital of Ceará
(Trairi, school PV electrification, PV internet station) .
Visit of wind parks near the harbour of Fortaleza (Mucuripe:
2.4 MW) and "Beach Park" (Prainha: 10 MW). Possibility
to visit nearby fine Beach-Park (http://www.beachpark.com.br/)
Flights back to Rio (flight connections also available to
São Paulo, Recife, Salvador, São Luis or Natal)
or to Europe (international flight connection by TAP or Martins).
Beside their technical significance all sites visited are
very beautiful, even to non-solar & wind experts.
More info: