January 2002:     6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th  
Monday, 7th of January, 2002 Morning | Afternoon
This program may be subject to alteration. The organizers reserve the right to do so without giving prior notice.
  7.30 Copacabana Palace  
  First Press Conference
  9.00 Copacabana Palace, Blue Room  
  10.00 Copacabana Palace, Golden Room  

Luiz Gylvan Meira Filho, Secretary of Politics and Science
and Technology Programm of Ministry of Science and Technology

Eduardo Novaes, Secretary for Environmental Quality in Human Settlements,
Ministry of Environment

Marcelo Poppe, Energy Secretary of Ministry of Mines and Energy

Fábio Feldmann, Executive Secretary - Brazilian Climate Change Fórum

Hinrich Mercker, Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft, Germany

Anthony Garotinho, Governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Fernando Peregrino, President FAPERJ

Luiz Pinguelli Rosa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Stefan Krauter, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Chairmain Rio 02

André Correia, Environment Secretary of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Wagner Victer, Energy Secretary of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Eider Dantas, Secretary of Construction of City of Rio de Janeiro

Pedro Paulo Carvalho Teixeira, Environment Sub-Secretary of City of Rio de Janeiro

Irani Varella, Director of PETROBRAS

Michel Gaillard, President of LIGHT - Serviços de Eletricidade S.A.

  Development of Global Climate
  11.30 Copacabana Palace, Golden Room  

Luiz Pinguelli Rosa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Carbon Dioxide Emissions Clean Energy
Presentation: Print Version

Emilio La Rovere, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sustainable Energy and Climate Change
Presentation: Print Version | Staging Version

Luiz Gylvan Meira Filho, Ministry of Science and Technology, Brazil
The Results of Marrakech

  13.00 Different Locations on the Beachside  
  Examples of Measures to Avoid Climate Change
  14.15 Copacabana Palace, Golden Room  

Suzana Kahn Ribeiro, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sustainable Mobility and Energy

Fernando Peregrino, FAPERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Rio Clean Development
Presentation: Print Version | Staging Version

Rui Antonio Alves da Fonseca, PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Business and Environment
Presentation: Print Version | Staging Version

  Coffee Break
  15.30 Copacabana Palace, Noble Room  
  Present Situation
  16.00 Copacabana Palace, Golden Room  

Maximo Luiz Pompermayer, ANEEL, Brasilia, Brazil
Competence and Performance of the National Agency of Electric Energy in the Area
of Renewable Sources, Energy Efficiency and Environment

Presentation: Staging Version

Mauricio T. Tolmasquim, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Brazilian Energy Matrix and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Presentation: Print Version | Staging Version

Loftur R. Gissurarson, Thorlakur Björnsson, Reykjavik Energy, Iceland
Implementation of Green Bookkeeping at Reykjavik Energy
Presentation: Print Version | Staging Version

Roberto Schaeffer, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Energy Embodied in International Trade: The Case of Brazil
Presentation: Print Version | Staging Version

  Release of Books of COPPE/UFRJ
  Reception Cocktail for Participants
< previous day 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th next day >